Are TRaumas from the past holding you back?
Download My Trauma Guide To Understand More
Are you struggling with any of the following?
Depression can appear very different from one person to another. From paralysis in every way - retreating from the world... to denying your state, being the hilarious life of the party... your expression of depression is unique. Depression is usually anger turned inward. Let's neutralize and clear what made you so angry.
Rage is anger, amplified. Do you have rage inside you because your voice was not heard and respected? Did you feel unwanted, or unloved? Rage can come from supressing your true emotions in order to not upset others or break household or societal rules. Unprocessed rage will only make you weaker and sicker.
Anxiety is the result of feeling unsafe at some point, and your body held onto that feeling. A variety of situations can trigger your anxiety and you feel incapable of functioning when anxiety strikes. Clearing its originating cause is necessary to improve your life in every way and give you peace.
Addictions are ways to cope with the residual pain of trauma. Numbing the pain with substances and certain behaviours was the best strategy your traumatized mind could come up with. It worked - you're still alive. But now you know the addiction is hurting you. It's time for a new, healthy coping strategy. First, clear trauma.
You are shaped and influenced by, and become like the five people closest to you. You need self-respect and self-love first, then you can attract others who love and respect themselves and others. Those are the people worthy of being in your life. You deserve to develop and grow within a supportive, loving, kind circle of family and friends.
Let's clear all the nonsense money beliefs instilled by society and religion. Good people can be rich!
If you survived childhood abuse, you are more likely to be poor - chronically unemployed or underearning. Clearing those childhood traumas will increase your income, inner peace, your confidence and your joy
I have written a Trauma Guide outlining
7 Clear Signs Your Past Trauma Is Keeping You Stuck And Making You Sick
Sophia Zoe, Energy Healer, Art Practitioner, Author
I work with people who want to make changes. The desire can be to improve physical health by clearing the related emotions, to get over trauma, to stop self-sabotage and negativity, to clarify relationship issues, to identify a life path, or to feel like a mature, healthy, fearless, whole adult. After a course of treatment, clients tell me they didn’t know they could be so happy. And so, I persist. The glamour factor is low, but the psycho-spiritual rewards are tremendous.
Sometimes I work with one healing therapy, strictly following its protocol. But most often, I let my intuition guide me and I combine aspects of two or more therapies so you get exactly what you need to feel better. To my utter amazement, studying energy therapies has made me more intuitive, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. That means when I tune into you, I may know, see, hear or feel what needs special attention. This is a terrific short-cut to your progress.
I work with clients individually, in couples, with families or in groups. I present seminars to organizations and have a corporate wellness program. Contact me directly to book any of these options.
Energy healing. Energy therapy. Energy treatment...
Call it what you will, it means I acknowledge that you are an open energy system. Life force flows through you in from the top of your head and out the bottoms of your feet. Any interference to this flow creates stress, disease and emotional chaos. Removing the blocks restores flow and balance…everything “magically” improves.
Unconventional? Yes. Weird? Sometimes. Great results? Absolutely.
Among the techniques I have studied, the following are included in my practice, often in customized combinations.
Allergy Antidotes
Angelic Channeling
Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing)
Art Therapy
Ask & Receive
BEAM (Bioenergetic Emotional Access Method)
Colour Therapy
Crystal Healing
Ear Candling
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
Energy Clearing of Buildings/Properties (for quick sales)
Guided Imagery
Past Life Regression
Raindrop Technique
Seemorg MATRIX Work
Spiritual Healing
Therapeutic Touch (TM)
WHEE (Wholistic Hybrid: EMDR & EFT)
My “career” in “therapy” began the summer after grade six. I was very worried about some of my shy classmates and how difficult it would be for them to transition to grade seven – junior high school. I set up two lawn chairs at the end of the back yard and invited them over individually, for juice and cookies. Now, it may have been that orange Tang was kiddy truth serum, or, perhaps I was an innately skilled therapist at age eleven, but I tell you, each of my peers spilled their little hearts out about their fears around the new school. After a long talk, they all said they felt better, and left with smiles and confidence. I was hooked on helping.
By age fifteen, as my girlfriends were obsessing over movie stars, I was busy devouring my subscriptions to Prevention Magazine and Psychology Today. What – potatoes can cause arthritis pain? Huh – psychology is mostly biology? How? Since when? My head was spinning with learning I wasn’t getting at school. This ignited a passion to seek the hidden truth.
By age 17, I was going to a herbalist, a chiropractor, an iridologist – any alternative therapist I could find, for exploration and learning. I was in awe of the knowledge these practitioners possessed. But it never occurred to me that I could have a career in natural health care. It was out of my realm of possibilities.
I went to the University of Toronto for one devastating year. I had failed my piano audition and did not get into the Faculty of Music. This triggered all sorts of memories of trauma and disappointments. I did arts and science instead, and spent most of the year in washroom stalls, crying. I became depressed and despondent and went for traditional talk therapy for help. I suppose it helped…me get extensions on some essays. Complete waste of time, but it’s all I thought there was, so I kept going. I never felt comfortable or cared for.
I left U of T and transferred to McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. I gave a good enough audition that I got into the music department. I found a new therapist, to continue the misery of reliving every trauma I’d ever had, every week. Friends said I had lost my spirit, my vibrancy and I was difficult to be around. But I didn’t know of anything else to do for myself. (Side note: I was never put on any medication, thank goodness!)
I found an amazing chiropractor. He took care of all my aches and pains from carrying a heavy knapsack and playing piano too many hours. He taught me the neuro-muscular-skeletal reasons for my discomfort. I also found that my mood was improved with each visit. He said he gave me “attitude adjustments.” I was so inspired by Dr. Dan Stevenson and his noble profession that I seriously considered dropping out of the music program and going to Chiropractic College. After speaking to him about it, I learned that I’d have to work on cadavers. That was the deal-breaker for me. No dead bodies, please!
Fast forward a few years. I did a 3-year B.A. in Music and was working on my B.A. in Drama. I discovered that Hamilton had a Holistic Centre. I started sneaking out of my evening film classes early to go and take healing courses at the Holistic Centre. Skipping class to go to class – I was really keen!
It was by exposure to some forward thinkers that I began changing and maturing as a person. Just when I started to feel like a functioning adult, teaching piano, acting and doing voice-overs, I was in a car accident where I injured my neck and back. I went to Toward Glenaura, a natural health clinic run by Jean and Richard Toward. I received a variety of energy healing treatments for a few months. I was getting better quickly and my curiosity was piqued. Jean mentioned that she taught classes and I was welcome to join. The other students were 20 – 40 years my senior, but I didn’t care. I felt like a prodigy.
Thus began my intensive study of energy healing. Twice a week for over four years, I took classes in many healing techniques. I studied with Jean and Richard, and all the skilled teachers they brought in. I attended courses with masters visiting from abroad. I was doing intensive training every weekend, somewhere in Southern Ontario, besides the two classes per week with Jean and Richard.
My first certificate in energy healing was from the Therapeutic Touch(TM) Network of Ontario. I studied with its co-founder, Crystal Hawk. This training gave me access to patients in hospitals. Therapeutic Touch (TM) is respected by nurses and doctors. By making many hospital visits, I understood the seriousness of the work I had chosen.
When I moved back to Toronto, in 1998, I learned of Energy Psychology. This is ultimate therapy. I don’t think there’s anything it can’t help. I had treatments of EFT and BEAM therapy that cleared trauma at the cellular level. This was life-changing. Within a few visits, I began to experience myself as whole and healthier. I then understood that all those years of talk therapy had only reinforced the very issues I wanted to heal. With energy psychology, the trauma was completely neutralized. I still had the memories, but none of the emotional buttons to trigger feeling bad or sick.
Dr. Joan Beattie, M.D., is the developer of BEAM Therapy. I was in her first class of trainees. I believe everyone needs BEAM therapy, whether a little or a lot. It was the fast-track to health, maturity and mental clarity for me. It made me happy and easy-going. I use it daily on clients who see me in person, over the phone, or at a distance. Any way you have BEAM therapy, it works. Clients who have been through traditional talk therapy, and then experience BEAM therapy tell me they think BEAM is at least 30 times faster. Given my own experiences, I tend to agree. The key to happiness and health is clearing away or neutralizing past trauma. (A trauma is any event, large or small, that made you feel bad.)
I am grateful to all the wonderful, skilled and talented teachers I have had. Most were superb and a few were only very good. As I work with clients and teach Therapeutic Touch, the spirits and styles of all my teachers will surely emerge and guide me.
You are a diamond at your core. Clear the past and let yourself shine.
I treat all local and international clients by Zoom or telephone.
For clients in Toronto, Ontario, hospital visits are sometimes available. Text to inquire: 416.873.7199
I offer remote/distant/proxy/surrogate sessions to anyone, anywhere – even pets. I need a solo picture emailed to me, along with full name, birthday and location of the client.
All information contained on this website is intended for informational or educational purposes only. It is presented in a spirit of sharing and good will and is based on the education, experience and research of Sophia Zoe and her esteemed teachers and associates. Great effort is made to provide information that is believed to be true and accurate at the time of posting. The site contents are not intended to replace the advice of your physician or healthcare practitioner.
Please be aware that Sophia Zoe and some of her associates are not licensed medical doctors, or any other kind of medical practitioners and they do not represent themselves in any way as possessing any medical expertise or medical training whatsoever. Should you chose to employ any of the modalities explored on this site you do so with full responsibility for all possible outcomes. Please consult your physician before proceeding.
Copyright © SophiaZoe , LLC 2024